Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Puding roTi/ Bread Puding wih source custard

Diari: my life n cooking
Character: Dessert chef
Location: Kitchen Hotel at Kelana Jaya


I really busy searching the recipe from "Mr google" to make a "bread puding ..hehe...As u know im not expert in cooking but now I really enjoy cooking. That why i learn from my housemate, my mum and "Mr google". So i make a "bread puding" yesterday..The taste huuhu...what i can say "marvelous" and i got the evaluation from somebody eat my "bread puding"..So the result is  8/10...of course the taste is suitable for them right??

i'll show you my  bread puding":

I suggest you  to put some fruit for decoration


bread puding:
bread:10-12 pieces
low fat milk: 400 ml
brown sugar: 4 ts / sugar 3 ts(option)
2 eggs
2 ts buttercup/ planta
1/2 tin  evaporated milk
fruit like grape, berry . strawberry or raisin


  1. Soak the bread with low fat milk (small slice)- 10 minutes
  2. beat the the eggs,sugar aand butter until fluffy
  3. then put custard floor/ corn floor and evaporated milk
  4. Beat  the mixture around 5 minutes
  5. Arrange the bread in the bake bowl (better use square shape bowl)
  6. Then put the mixture in bake bowl..and don forget put the fruit like grape, berry, strawberry  or raisins
  7. preheat the oven 180 degrees F
  8. Bake 30-35 minutes.
Now you can served the bake bread or bread puding.

source custard:

2 ts custard floor/ corn floor (option)
2 ts sugars
1/2 tin evaporated  milk
1/2 cup low fat milk

***mix all those ingredients  and cook until boil(around 3 minutes)

P/s: it is my recipe: if  you wanna copy the recipe at you page, asked the permission..and credit to me..heheh..

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

rojak petis sye buat taw

Diari: main masakara-masak
location: dapur di rumah ku
character: chef  makanan melayu lol

salam readers...

Semalam cik fara pg berbelanja la kat carefour yg nun dekat sgt ngan umah fara..haha..klu jln kaki lebih kurang 20 minit n xpyh nk rentas jamed..tpy smlm hujan dah  paki baju lawa2 xkn cik fara nk jalan kaki kan..hahah...gelak sorang2 klu pg sane jln kaki ngn dress up terpaksa lah merempuh jam 45 minit..adoyai...dah paus berbelanja tuk brg mkn blik plak tgok umah dah banjir..aiseh..lupe nk tutup sliding door..adoihhhhhh..basah sgle bnde..lagi kesiam my houesemate sat bilik banjir....

Disebabkan kepenatan so gagahkan diri buat la "rojak petis " tuk isi perut yg lapar..huhu..actyually fara mmg teringin pon...erm so buat ni "on call" ngan emak tercayang mintak resepi..hahaha,,gealk sorang2,..adeh panas telineg emak bebel.."masak pon xpndai.."heheh..

so ni la hasilnye...:jeng-jeng2...
ni mase ngah comot sikit..heheh

so cik fara nk kongsi la resepi ni kan..haha,,,klu rajin buat la..asyik beli jerk kan "pes rojak" resepi dr kire berani kasik la..sebb ade orang yg mkn rojak ni ckp then evaluation give me 7/10..hahaha

Bahan: Pes Rojak Petis

pes petis (biar lebih bru sedap)
belacan sedikit
lada kecil 4 biji(ikutla nk pedas or tak)
gula 4sb
kicap masin (satu mangkuk kecil)
air asam (sedikit memadai)
bawang merah dihiris n goreng
bawang putih sebiji
kacang tanah digoreng tanpa minyak then kisar

  1. bawang goreng, bawang putih, pes petis, kicap, air asam, gula n lada kecil dikisar
  2. tuang semua bahan dalam periuk..kacau hingga mendidih...

Bahan rojak:

kangkung- dicelur

cara penyediaan rojak:

  1. campurkan semua bahan2 yg telah siap dipotong dlm bekas
  2. masukkan kacang tanah(biar kacang lebih..sedap)
  3. masukkan pes petis tadi
  4. kacau hingga sebati
  5. sedia dihidangkan...

Senang puas hati buat sendiri dapat mkn byk.,.klu beli haha...xcukup lol..