Monday, November 8, 2010

WaiTing deTik 13 NoveMber 2010....BesT Moment 13 Nov 2009

I am  in LOVE???....i can't believe....after 3 years im single..then come my MR. RIHGt... ke Dye???..erm bolehla...cukuP sifaT...cukup karakter ape yg aku nk..
erm da important is the characters..patient, responsible kat aku..huhu...xmara2 aku...yg paling best aku suke sgt tgok muke "good looking" category but dye COOL...sometime geram gak..huhu...
I got what i want from MEN... hepy with him...understanding each others...keep my privacy...Give n take in our relationship..
.ohhh.OMG...hampir setahun hubungan aku ngn dye...xsabar tunggu hari keramat
 when i saw him n fallin luv at the first sight...sape sangke!!!
"13 november 2009..."
ape erk nk bg present pd dye..adoyai susah Gilerssssss cari brg tuk men ni...any idea...???
But sedey gk time date tu dye outstation...erm celebrate after he come back KL la...
im so sad..but n wat cmne....!!!

he did everything to me..alhmadulllah our hubungan still berjalan ngn baik...
.Hopefully wif him until da hepy ending....luv u so much....

Bende yg sllu dye Ckp n bUat pd aku:
 aku kuat makan....buka mulut sebut pasal makanan...
aku budak kecik yg kene blajr pandai2 n cpi cte2 aku...
no more NOTY n SEXy...heheh..xmo lah...
aKu budak Yg KEPOH...MembeBel xberhenti..
aKu terlalu Boros...jimat la ioooo...
aku budak Kuat Nanges...!!!huwaa...sensitiVe...xpatut!!!
Mkn sayur, take supliment n bla..bla...
Beli something yg aku suke(GUITAR. n Bla..bla...)
Bg aku Present n Flower ....
hari2 caLl n masG aku..Bergayut berjaM2 lamenye klu xjumpe...

Bende yg sllu dy Makan:
sayur kangkung n taugeh...nnt dah nikah ngn dye..aku nk msk kangkung REBUS Shj...heheheh
Nasi Kandar n Laksa..(aku xsuke)..aku prefer Western
Ice cream Sunday kat MCD
Milo tarik n 100 Plus
Bihun goreng 
(semua makanan dye stYle Melayu..xsame Taste ngan aku..)

Bende Yg sllu kami Buat:
Compete Yg masing2 lagi TERER...sape lagi LAKU..mengong...
MEn Bowling..g JALAn2 ..shoPPing
mengaBiskan duit....n cari wet...n habeskan....hehehe
Tgok movie....
MuM ice sweet...
Buat aktivit yg baru...suke mencube....huhu..seronok...xbusan 
Beli Brg xikut keperLuan...adoyai..IkuT NAfsU...

Bende Yg Xsllu kami wat:
Limited tiMe to daTing...aku study n dye Keje...n g GYM...
Kene Fhm la....

P/s: i luv u.......luv n luv n luv...

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